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Securing a sustainable talent pipeline for the global mining industry

The energy transition is heavily reliant upon mining, but the mining industry has an image problem.

Transition Needs Talent brings the world of Mining, Education and Climate Risk & Resilience together under one roof to collaborate on one question, how do we inspire todays young people to be a part of the mining industry of tomorrow?

Did you know:

  • A global survey by a leading consulting firm found 70% of its 15- to 30-year-old respondents said that they definitely wouldn’t or probably wouldn’t work in mining.
  • Numbers graduating in Mining courses has fallen by as much as 63% in key mining countries like Australia and Canada.
  • Many CEO’s acknowledge that the talent pipeline represents an existential threat to their business.
  • Last year 4 UK Universities banned mining companies from recruiting on campus and attending careers fairs!

So how do we create change?

Changing the face of Mining to meet the energy transition

Transition Needs Talent 2024

Destination: London, Royal Geographical Society

More Than An Annual Conference

Transition Needs Talent is a movement committed to a paradigm shift within the global student community. We know that changing minds can take time, so we’re in it for the long haul. We have developed a 5-year plan of student participation, industry collaboration and media campaigns. Along with our annual sponsorship partners, we are on a mission create the talent pool needed for a mining industry that’s saving the planet. Why? Because the energy Transition Needs Talent!

Who Should Attend?
  • Mining & Related Industry Senior Executives 
  • Mining & Related Industry Talent Strategists & Talent Programme Owners
  • Mining & Related Industry ESG & Sustainability Professionals  
  • Higher Education Faculty Members & Programme Owners
  • Climate Risk & Resilience Professionals
  • Professional Services Mining Practice Leads

Conference Speakers


Major CEO

Speaker biography coming soon

Speaker biographies coming soon
Leading Global University

Mining Faculty Lead

Speaker biography coming soon

Speaker biography coming soon
Global Consulting Firm

Mining Practice Partner

Speaker biography coming soon

Speaker biography coming soon
Globally Renowned

Branding Expert

Speaker biography coming soon

Speaker biography coming soon
Understanding Generation Z

Leading Psychologist

Speaker biography coming soon

Speaker biography coming soon
Global Firm

Climate Risk & Resilience Practice Partner

Speaker biography coming soon

Speaker biography coming soon

Programme Highlights

Session 1

Why does mining have an Image problem? And what can we do about it?

Session 2

What’s the reality? The hard facts about rare metals, geo-politics and minings place in the energy transition. 

Session 3

Generation Z, what do they really want from their future careers, and why does mining fit?

Session 4

Competing with Silicon Valley for talent and the digitisation of mining.

Session 5

Brand Mining. Dirty, Damaging & Dangerous? Or.. Saving the Planet, Truly International & Ultra High Tech careers.

Session 6

It’s a Mans World. Diversity & Inclusion, ‘thou doth protest too much’? Are we getting our diversity campaigns right? 

Session 7

Social Impacts will hold us back. Convincing Generation Z that the climate change needs mining means nothing if the human impact stories continue to turn them off. 

Session 8

Creating a Movement! How do we change the face of mining at scale, at pace and where do we start. Learning from the best. 

Session 9

Global Higher Education and the need for closer working relationships with the Mining & Mining Services Industries.

Session 10

Early Education. The children of today and fuelling the geologist adventurers of tomorrow. 


Our 5 Sponsors will be promoted as the enablers and energisers of the Transition Needs Talent Movement and will benefit from the significant Public Relations and Transition Needs Talent social media programmes during the lead up to and coverage of the event.

Promote your careers paths
Collaborate with Education Institutions
Fuel your talent pipeline

Specific Benefits Include:

  • Partnering the ‘Transition Needs Talent: A Career in Global Mining’ Student Survey designed to garner key insights into current thinking. 
  • Partnering the resulting ‘Transition Needs Talent Report’ which each of the 10,000 participating students will receive.
  • Involvement in our ‘Meet the Survey Respondents’ Recruitment Fairs which will fuel your Graduate Recruitment Schemes. 
  • Involvement in the GDPR Compliant Communications Plan which will continue to go to the survey responders in the future. 
  • Current Careers Opening: Access to the Careers Page on which you can advertise your current vacancies! This will be positioned and promoted alongside the event.  

Interested in Sponsoring?

For more information about the Sponsorship Package and Partnering Application Process please contact us via the form below.

Register Today

A limited number of delegate places exists and a significant interest has been shown in this event. Please register quickly to avoid disappointment. If you have any questions related to the event and its final programme please contact the team via the contact form. 

Delegate Pass £899.00

Digital Pass: £699

The delegate pass includes all refreshments and meals throughout the day, access to the resources pack and the chance to exchange details with other delegates through our ‘opt in’ delegate app.

Use the form here to register your interest.

Registration & Welcome Refreshments open at 8:30. Opening Remarks begin at 9:30. 

Final Presentation closes at 16:00 with networking drinks to follow. 

Please note: At present no preferred accommodation has been arranged. There are a significant number of varied hotels within the vicinity. 

Register Today

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